Heri Yudianto, Veggi Rische


This study aims to investigate the impact of the change from online to face-to-face learning on the students’ academic achievement of students majoring in English Education at a university located in a least-developed area in West Kalimantan. This qualitative study involved 30 students who experienced both online and face-to-face learning transformation. Data were collected through open and closed questionnaires. The results showed that most students experienced an increase in grades after returning to face-to-face classes compared to online learning. Some influencing factors include social interaction, ease of understanding the lecturer's explanation, better focus, and active class participation. This finding implies that blended online and face-to-face learning may be ideal for least-developed regions.


transformation, achievement, post pandemic

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.38114/joeel.v5i1.394


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